
Scottish and Uk Politics

Scottish independence is not in Sturgeons political brief- Statistics reveal the truth she’s done nuthin!!!

A significant number of the Alba Party founder members are former stalwarts of the SNP who became disillusioned with the Stalinist doctrinal centralisation of decision making on the Party leader to the exclusion of wiser council from the NEC and wider membership and decided to take the message of independence to Scots through the medium of a new party dedicated to taking Scotland forward to independence with this aim being the overriding purpose of the party.

Many Scots still have little knowledge of Alba which has only been in existence for a year, despite the sterling efforts of its members and candidates pounding the streets of their constituencies day and night throughout the month of April and early May 2022. The foregoing is coupled with a blanket media ban encouraged by the SNP leadership cabal who call the shots through the provision of significant financial support to newspapers and other media outlets preventing the reporting of ALBA party policies and candidates across all unionist and nationalist outlets.

In voting for the SNP many Scots are sticking with what they believe is a sustained and determined effort by the SNP leadership to gain independence for Scotland even when provided with facts and figures that completely refute this. Why? Fear is the motivating factor!! Many are aware the SNP membership are simply not interested in gaining independence since success would bring an end to the £31-£40 million annual financial gravy train presently transferred from the coffers of the nation to a select group of 800+ SNP politicians many of have been in the employ of the SNP their entire working life and their political careers are riddled with examples of incompetence so gross it is beyond any justification for them to remain in the public employ

I will wind up this article by addressing Sturgeon’s irresponsible claims about the outcome of the local elections which she is purporting to be the launch pad for an independence referendum in 2023. No it bloody isn’t !!!

I had a closer look at the Aberdeen results, see below. A count of first preference votes only is revealing. The outcome of a referendum in 2023 would bring a result unchanged from 2014.

That is the progress Sturgeon has made in respect of independence. Nowt.

Yes: 41.39%No: 58.61%
Outcome: 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum
Yes: 42%No: 58%
Projected outcome 2023 Scottish Independence Referendum

Ward 1: Dyce / Bucksburn / Danestone
Unionist 3481
Nationalist 3022

Ward 2: Bridge of Don
Unionist 2953
Nationalist 3752

Ward 3: Kingswells / Sheddocksley / Summerhill
Unionist 2993
Nationalist 1699

Ward 4: Northfield / Mastrick North
Unionist 1527
Nationalist 2147

Ward 5: Hilton / Woodside / Stockethill
Unionist 1994
Nationalist 2053

Ward 6: Tillydrone / Seaton / Old Aberdeen
Unionist 1148
Nationalist 1391

Ward 7: Midstocket / Rosemount
Uionist 2483
Nationalist 2206

Ward 8: George Street / Harbour
Unionist 1444
Nationalist 1940

Ward 9: Lower Deeside
Unionist 4032
Nationalist 1358

Ward 10: Hazlehead / Queens Cross / Countesswells
Unionist 7054
Nationalist 1703

Ward 11: Airyhall / Broomhill / Garthdee
Unionist 4013
Nationalist 1859

Ward 12: Torry / Ferryhill
Unionist 2152
Nationalist 2509

Ward 13: Kincorth / Nigg / Cove
Unionist 2232
Nationalist 2536

4 responses to “Scottish independence is not in Sturgeons political brief- Statistics reveal the truth she’s done nuthin!!!”

  1. Done nothing you say CJ. It’s worse than nothing.

    Folks should have a read of this recent Wings Over Scotland article which catalogues what Sturgeon has done since taking over from Alex Salmond.

    It’s absolutely grim reading. Stuart Campbell has summarised very well. No one reading this piece, which is quite long, will be left in any doubt about Sturgeon. In fact her, her husband and many of her aides should be behind bars.

    This should be mandatory reading for all independence supporters.


    1. We live in hope that justice will prevail and the entire cabal will end up behind bars.


  2. Absolutely agree. No way we can win a S30 pre independence referendum that is not necessary in the first place. Nothing has changed since 2014 because nothing has changed in the way that independence is presented. It is a gift to the Unionists. 2014 was an opportunity. We did not take it. Noway should we be going down this route again. Utter madness because the right to our independence is ours to take. Stop pandering to Unionist sensibilities (or, rather, non-sensibilities; they never, but never consider ours). Our people are going to suffer unbearably before they disappear into a Greater England. Those are the stark choices: independence or elimination. We are not fighting for some abstract notion of holy reverence; this is an existential fight to the death, metaphorically speaking.


    1. I agree withdraw our nationalist MP’s from Westminster immediately then nominate candidates for election all with a mandate to remove Scotland from the control of Westminster bringing an end to the colonial rule of England over Scotland


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